Preventive Dental Care
Keeping Smiles Healthy Is a Team Effort!
Good at-home oral care is just one essential part of healthy teeth and gums. Our expert eyes on your mouth complete the picture!
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Gum Disease Is Often Silent Until It Progresses
Don't Wait!

Preventive Dentistry in Loxahatchee, FL

At Groves Dental Care in Loxahatchee, FL, we believe in quality dentistry and know our reputation depends on it. We want to get to know you and your family so that we can personalize your service, rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all approach. Developing a relationship based on trust with your dentist also helps you feel comfortable visiting us regularly for preventive dental care.

We know that you want to keep your teeth healthy for a lifetime. We are partners with you in this goal and will always communicate all treatment options along with their benefits and limitations.

That’s why at Groves Dental Care, we’re here to support your home dental care routine with professional teeth cleanings and dental exams. To get started, call us at (561) 328-9050 to schedule a dental appointment.

What Happens During a Dental Exam in Loxahatchee?


As a new patient at Groves Dental Care, our highest priority is to provide you with a great experience that makes you feel comfortable and informed about your care. We dedicate plenty of time at your initial visit so that we can get to know you better. Knowing our patients is the best way for us to personalize our recommendations and care for each individual based on their lifestyle, goals, and needs.

Your first dental exam appointment typically takes about 90 minutes. Here is what you can expect:

X-rays – We use the latest digital technology, which means less radiation, faster images, and softer, more comfortable sensors than ever before. Also, we make sure to customize the number of x-rays you receive based on your needs, so you never get more x-rays than are absolutely necessary.

Professional teeth cleaning – Our skilled hygienist will give you an appropriate dental cleaning based on your specific needs. You will also receive customized advice and recommendations to help you get the most out of your home care routine.

A dental exam – Dr. Anis Elkhechen, DMD will review your x-rays and perform a thorough examination of your teeth and the soft tissues in your mouth, including your gums, your palate, and your tongue. We’ll also screen you for oral cancer. Following this comprehensive exam, Dr. Elkhechen will discuss both his findings and your concerns.

During your exam, we use an intraoral camera to get a clear, high-resolution image of the inside of your mouth. You don’t have to wonder what Dr. Elkhechen is talking about; you’ll be able to see for yourself exactly what we see!

At Groves Dental Care, we include you in the process of planning your treatment. We will always listen closely to your concerns before we present you with options so that you feel heard and taken care of! Call our dentist office in Loxahatchee, FL today at (561) 328-9050 to schedule your next appointment.

Gum Disease Treatment in Loxahatchee

When you visit our Loxahatchee, FL dental office for six-month teeth cleanings and dental exams, we can identify the early stages of gum disease, called gingivitis. If we find gum disease during your dental exam, we’ll give you tips for oral hygiene at home and nutrition. We may also recommend a deep teeth cleaning to remove tartar and plaque.

If gum disease is allowed to progress, periodontitis can develop. At this stage of the disease, damage may occur in the jawbone and even lead to tooth loss. The best way to prevent gum disease is a consistent, thorough brushing and flossing routine and visiting our dental office twice a year.

Why Do I Need Professional Teeth Cleanings?

After you consume foods or drinks, bacteria begin to mix with particles or the film left on your teeth and produce acid. The result is a sticky, colorless substance called plaque that coats your teeth and lies under the gum line. Plaque eventually leads to tiny holes in the teeth or tooth decay.

Even with excellent dental hygiene at home, you may not be able to reach every hidden spot between your teeth. Slightly misaligned teeth and hard-to-reach areas harbor bacteria that can result in tartar, a harder substance that can lead to receding gums and gum disease.

If you need more incentive to visit the dentist regularly, consider that scientists have found a link to poor oral health and many chronic diseases, including:

  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Lung disease
  • Diabetes
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Low-birthweight infants
But that’s not the end of the story! With twice-yearly visits to Groves Dental Care and a commitment to good oral hygiene at home, you can avoid cavities and gum disease altogether. We believe that alone is a great reason to call us today to schedule your checkup!

How Often Should I Visit My Loxahatchee, FL Dentist?

We recommend a professional cleaning with our talented dental hygienist twice a year for most of our patients. Some patients, such as those who have active periodontal disease, may benefit from a specific type of cleaning or more frequent cleanings, and we’ll let you know if this is the case for you.

Professional dental cleanings at your Loxahatchee, FL dentist are an opportunity for a fresh start. No matter how diligently you brush and floss, it’s impossible to remove every last trace of plaque from every nook and cranny of your teeth. Over time, this leftover plaque hardens into cavity-causing tartar, which only a dental hygienist can remove with special instruments.

We are happy to provide plenty of advice and recommendations – and even hands-on demonstrations – so that you can get the most out of your home care routine. Nobody is born knowing the best techniques for brushing and flossing, so just let us know if you have questions.

Fluoride Treatments and Dental Sealants

Prevention is truly the foundation of all the dental care we provide. Even though Groves Dental Care offers the services needed to treat an extensive range of dental concerns right here in our dental office, preventive care can help you dodge these problems in the first place!

That’s why we sometimes recommend fluoride treatments and sealants, especially for younger or high-risk patients.

Fluoride – This naturally occurring mineral helps strengthen enamel and protect against tooth decay.

Sealants – Deep grooves in the molars are difficult to keep clean and can easily become a breeding ground for the bacteria that cause cavities. Sealants are a thin covering that seals off these grooves so they stay bacteria-free.

Custom Night Guards and Mouth Guards

Bruxism, or chronic clenching and grinding, can cause significant damage to teeth. However, custom-fit occlusal night guards can help you avoid:
  • Teeth fractures
  • Excessive wear
  • Pain in the jaw and joints
  • Headaches
  • Teeth sensitivity

Sports are another area of concern for the teeth and jaw, but a mouth guard that fits correctly can prevent broken teeth if trauma occurs on the face or jaw.

With both night guards and mouth guards, we will customize your clear acrylic appliance to your bite so that it fits well and feels comfortable.

Contact Our Loxahatchee Dentist Office to Schedule Your Next Exam

Has it been six months or more since your last dental visit? No problem! We want you to know that at Groves Dental Care, you will never feel judged over your current level of oral health. We’re just glad you’re here!

Our goal is never to be a burden or create more stress for you. Instead, we want to be supportive and empower you to reach the goals you have for your dental health. We recognize that many factors can play a role in the decisions you make about your care, and we will be sure to take all of these into account to help you find the perfect solution for you.

Call us today at (561) 328-9050 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Anis Elkhechen. We have early morning as well as late afternoon and evening hours available – and we’re even open one Saturday a month!

We can’t wait to help you have great oral health and a smile you love.



Mona Herold, DDS

Dr. Mona Herold is a graduate of the George Washington University and earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree from the New York University College of Dentistry. After she graduated, she spent a year completing her General Practice Residency at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, Florida. During this time, Dr. Herold provided care to patients with complex dental needs and compromised health. Dr. Herold loves to travel and provide for those in need. She participated in dental outreaches to Nepal and Ecuador and worked with patients who ...
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The Doctor and the entire staff genuinely care for your health and everyone is always smiling."

Best dental office I’ve been to! Dr. Elkhechen and the dental hygienists do an awesome job. The Doctor and the entire staff genuinely care for your health and everyone is always smiling. Tara is the first person you see walking in and her energy is contagious. Susai is the last person you see and she’s amazingly helpful. Getting to watch Netflix while getting procedures done was really cool.

-Whitney Augustin


Toddlers should have all their baby teeth by two years of age.   At this time it is appropriate to schedule an appointment with your dentist so that he or she can evaluate the child’s dentition for any abnormalities or cavities.  Cavities in baby teeth can have irreversible negative effects on the underlying adult teeth and must be treated as soon as possible.  Seeing the dentist at a young age also alleviates anxiety and fear for a child and allows for easier and calmer dental visits for the remainder of their lifetime.

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Featured Blog Posts - Preventive Dental Care
April 11, 2024

The Truth About Tooth Enamel

Tooth Enamel

Even though tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your body, it is still subject to wear and damage. The bad news is that when tooth enamel is damaged or lost, your body can’t replace it. But the good news is that you can take steps to strengthen and protect your tooth enamel, and Dr. Anis Elkhechen, DMD, your dentist in Loxahatchee, FL can repair it with restorations like tooth-colored fillingsdental crowns, or veneers.

Here’s what you should know about protecting your tooth enamel from wear or damage.

What Causes Tooth Enamel to Erode?

The acids that occur in your mouth after eating are one …