No, in most cases it is NOT necessary to take antibiotics before removing an infected tooth. It was previously thought that taking an antibiotic before extracting an infected tooth was necessary to avoid any spreading of infection. However, it is now known that when the tooth is the source of the infection, you must remove the tooth in order for the infection to go away.

There are some instances where taking an antibiotic before extracting a tooth may be a great benefit or very important:

  • Patients who require pre-medication based on the recommended guidelines
  • Patients who have moderate to severe swelling involving multiple facial spaces which could spread further if the tooth is removed or patients who have swelling where they are very difficult to get fully numb due to the severity of the infection
  • Patients who have Pericoronitis, which only comes into play when an upper wisdom tooth is compressing on the gum tissue that lays over the bottom wisdom tooth and causes significant inflammation

If you think it might be time to have a tooth extracted, the first step is to see an experienced dentist. Give us a call and we'll schedule a consultation to get started. We can evaluate your dental needs, and help you find the best treatment plan to meet all your needs.